Aid Expand e.V.
– that is 10 employees with more than 6 projects in 6 countries – all with 1 common goal:
Together with local staff, professionals and volunteers, we are committed to improving general living conditions of disadvantaged people, regardless of their culture, religion or ethical background.
Aid Expand e.V. is active in many different countries to engage and help, e.g. Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kenya, Nigeria, Mozambique, Philippines.
Our employees are involved in school projects as well as many other development projects on site.
This always involves mutual learning between equal partners with the aim of helping people to help themselves.
Our values
Our commitment is based on our understanding of responsibility towards our fellow human beings, respect for those who think and live differently, and “reverence for life” in the spirit of Albert Schweitzer and Christian humanism.
With this bundle of measures, we effectively contribute to achieving international goals such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (UN) and to contributing to a globally just and sustainable development.
Currently, a major project is being implemented in Nigeria, where classrooms are being doubled, educational staff are being trained, and awareness is being raised regarding quality educational, equitable, and inclusive primary education concepts.